Month: September 2023

Mrs Twit And Mrs Twit

Kia ora bloggers.

This is my Mr Twit and Mrs Twit both which are ugly. In the book it described Mr Twits ruthless mean and ugly and always has food scraps stuck on to his beard where he can eat a bit of his egg from breakfast. Mr Twit and Mrs Twit arent meant for each other they do wicked schemes like making one of each other eat worms and pranking them and worse. Bye bloggers!


Final novel ponder (10)

Kia ora bloggers.

Amorangi  and Millie’s Trip Through Time.

I didn’t really like the book I thought the book was boring. And it was actually I kinda liked it it’s just that most of the parts are boring. but others thought that Amorangi and Millie’s Trip Through Time was an action packed Rollicking book. Bye bloggers!

Maritime Museum

Kia Ora bloggers. Me and my class went to the maritime museum where there are only boats. You could sail the boat pretty far but not too far. It would be fun but it was too windy. We learnt how to sail the boat and check how deep the sea was we were next to shore but the water was still really deep a whopping 6 meters. We couldn’t sail our boat out because the boat wouldn’t be able to take all the wind. But we had fun learning how to use the boat well some of us did. blog ya later!

Ponder 9

Kia ora bloggers,

If I could to choose to be any animal I would be a prong horned antelope so I could have outmatched speed not even a cheetah catch or kill me.

Because of that I am basically impossible to kill and I will never die.

(Only from old age).

The reason I wanted to be a prong horned antelope is because all of the other animals couldn’t be able to catch me because I would be too fast and unkillable.

Bye bloggers!

🐝Making Beeswax wrap🐝

The hive made Beeswax wrap yesterday it was easy and fun to make with just a few simple steps.

First you need these types of clothes second you will need Beeswax and equally put six each way each down each side each all equal the max you will want is 36.

After that you will need to put cloth on the bottom and one on the top. Then you will want to iron it. Press hard and move it sideways left and right. Keep doing that till you smelt the beeswax. After you will want all the beeswax to melt and turn to liquid. Now that you’ve spread the beeswax equally you will let it dry for like 10 min then your done!

You can now use it for snacks instead of using plastic or tin foil to help our ocean. You can use it up to 100 times or more you can throw it if you want. You use it to wrap your food rub it to make it warm a bit and sticky so it can hold your food and not let it get cold. That’s it enjoy!

Did this make you want to use beeswax wrap?

Ponder 8

If I could create a hybrid, it would be a cheetah, jaguar, and a tiger.

It will have speed senses and strength far beyond a normal lion and tiger.

They will be all super strong and fast swimmers they will be the strongest hybrid in land and kill any prey they find. being really fast really good at swimming and climbing no one can escape that. Blog ya later!